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Bert Bolins klimatföreläsning

Från Wikipedia

Bert Bolins klimatföreläsning grundades 2008 av Naturvetenskapliga fakulteten vid Stockholms universitet för att hedra professor Bert Bolin[1] efter hans bortgång 2007. Varje år inbjuds en framstående klimatforskare till Stockholm för att hålla en populärvetenskaplig föreläsning och ett vetenskapsseminarium vid Bolin Center for Climate Research.

  • 2023 — Professor Trude Storelvmo, The big unknown in future Climate projections
  • 2022 — Professor Hans Joosten, The Great Rewetting: why we must stop draining peatlands – worldwide and as fast as possible
  • 2021 — Professor Emeritus William F Ruddiman, For how long have humans affected the climate?
  • 2020 — Professor Roberto Buizza, Climate Change: How can we motivate transformation?
  • 2019 — Professor Maureen E. Raymo, Climate, CO2 and Sea Level: Past, Present and Future
  • 2018 — Professor Veerabhadran Ramanathan, Bending the Curve: Climate Change Solutions
  • 2017 — Dr. Thomas Cronin, Biological response to climate change: What would Bolin say?
  • 2016 — Sir Brian Hoskins, The Challenge of Climate Change: How large is it and can we meet it?
  • 2015 — Professor Ulrike Lohmann, Uncertainties in climate projections related to clouds and aerosols
  • 2014 — Professor Corinne Le Quéré, The role of the carbon cycle in regulating climate
  • 2013 — Professor Warren M. Washington, Future Development of Climate and Earth System Models for Scientific and Policy Use
  • 2012 — Professor Sherilyn Fritz, The climate during the past 10,000 years
  • 2011 — Professor. Ralph Keeling, Rising Carbon Dioxide: A Never Ending Story
  • 2010 — Professor Robert J. Charlson, Do We Know Enough to Go Ahead with Control of Greenhouse Gas Emissions?
  • 2009 — Professor Venkatachalam “Ram” Ramaswamy, Dissecting the Roles of Aerosols and Greenhouse Gases in Climate Change
  • 2008 — Professor Susan Solomon, Linkages between Ozone Depletion and Climate Change
  1. ^ Joanna Rose (2007). ”Bert Bolin – Han var med från början”. Forskning & Framsteg (fof.se) (Nr 8). 

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