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Denna variant av mallen {{Coord}} (vilken är baserad på den delvis svenskutvecklade module:Coordinates) är tänkt att fungera identiskt med motsvarande engelska variant en:Template:Coord. Den baseras på modul:Coordinates2, som motsvarar en:module:Coordinates.


Quick guide

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{{Coord2}} provides a standard notation for encoding locations by their latitud and longitud Coordinates. It is primarily for specifying the WGS84 geographic coordinates of locations on Earth, at the same time emitting a machine-readable Geo microformat. However, it can also encode locations on natural satellites, dwarf planets, and planets other than Earth.

See also Wikipedia:WikiProject Geographical coordinates.

Latitude and longitude may be specified (with appropriate precision) either in decimal notation or as degrees/minutes/seconds. By default, coordinates appear in the format used to specify them. However, the format= parameter can be used to force display in a particular format. The template also accepts and displays coordinates formatted as degrees and decimal minutes as found on charts and maritime references.

The template displays the formatted coordinates with a hyperlink to GeoHack. GeoHack displays information customized to the location, including links to external mapping services.

For terrestrial locations, a blue globe () appears to the left of the hyperlink. Clicking on the globe activates the WikiMiniAtlas (requires JavaScript).

By default, coordinates appear "in line" with the adjacent text. However, the display= parameter can be used to move the coordinates up near the page title—or display them in both places at once.

The template outputs coordinates in three formats:

  • Degree/minutes/seconds ("DMS", precision is degrees, or degrees/minutes, or degrees/minutes/seconds, based on input precision).
  • Decimal degrees (varying the number of decimal places based on input precision)
  • A machine readable Geo microformat.

Logged-in users can customize how coordinates appear in their browsers.

You can extract information from the Coord template for use in mathematical expressions. For details, see Module:Coordinates.

The template must not be modified without prior discussion.

Tools which read Wikipedia database dumps (such as Google Earth) often ignore inline coordinates. To ensure that coordinates are seen by these tools, one set should be displayed beside the title. See How do I get my Wikipedia article to show up in the Google Earth Geographic Web layer? (Arkiverad länk). However, if multiple title coordinates appear on a single page, they will overlap, making them illegible.

{{coord2|latitude|longitude|coordinate parameters|template parameters}}
{{coord2|dd|N/S|dd|E/W|coordinate parameters|template parameters}}
{{coord2|dd|mm|N/S|dd|mm|E/W|coordinate parameters|template parameters}}
{{coord2|dd|mm|ss|N/S|dd|mm|ss|E/W|coordinate parameters|template parameters}}

The hemisphere identifiers (N/S) and (E/W), if used, must be adjacent to the enclosing pipe "|" characters, and cannot be preceded or succeeded by spaces.

There are two kinds of parameters, all optional:

  • Coordinate parameters are parameters that {{Coord2}} passes to the map server. These have the format parameter:value and are separated from each other by the underscore character ( _ ). The supported coordinate parameters are dim:, globe:, region:, scale:, source:, and type:. See coordinate parameters for details and examples.
  • Template parameters are parameters used by the {{Coord2}} template. These have format parameter=value and are separated from each other by the pipe character ( | ). The supported template parameters are display=, format=, name=, and notes=.
  • display= can be one of the following:
  • display=inline – Display the coordinate inline (default)
  • display=title – Display the coordinate at the top of the article, beside the article's title (replaces {{coor title dms}} family)
    • shortcut: display=t
  • display=inline,title – Display the coordinate both inline and beside the article's title (replaces {{coor at dms}} family)
    • shortcut: display=it
  • display=title,inline has the same effect as display=inline,title
Note: the title attribute indicates that the coordinates apply to the entire article, and not just one of (perhaps many) places mentioned in it—so it should only be omitted in the latter case.
  • format= can be used to force dec or dms coordinate display.
  • format=dec reformats the coordinates to decimal degrees format.
  • format=dms reformats the coordinates to degrees | minutes | seconds format.
  • name= can be used to annotate inline coordinates for display in map services such as the WikiMiniAtlas. If omitted, the article's title (PAGENAME) is assumed.
Note: a name= parameter causes {{Coord2}} to emit an hCard microformat using that name, even if used within an existing hCard. Do not use when the name is that of a person (e.g for a gravesite), as the generated hCard would be invalid. Also, do not use square brackets in names.
  • notes= specifies text to be displayed immediately following the coordinates. This is primarily intended for adding footnotes to coordinates displayed beside the title.
  • qid= specify Q item to display the coordinates of. Used primarily by Wikidata powered infoboxes.

Helper functions

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Helper functions are available to manipulate the output from {{Coord2}} when it appears in a container template such as an infobox.

To extract the latitude from a Coord template

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and similarly to extract the longitude, use:

{{#invoke:coordinates2|coord2text|{{Coord2|57|18|22|N|4|27|32|E}}|long}}Luafel: bad argument #1 to 'len' (string expected, got nil).

Note: this method removes the microformat markup, and should not be used inside templates which emit parent microformats, such as infoboxes or table-row templates.
[redigera wikitext]

The template {{GeoGroup}} can be used in an article with coordinates. This template creates links to mapping services which display all the coordinates on a single map, and links to other services which allow the coordinates to be used or downloaded in a variety of formats.

{{Coord2|43.651234|-79.383333}} Koordinater: Missing latitude
Ogiltiga argument har skickats till {{#coordinates:}}-funktionen
Toronto – Fully decimal – western hemisphere implied by negation
{{Coord2|43.65|-79.38}} Koordinater: Missing latitude
Ogiltiga argument har skickats till {{#coordinates:}}-funktionen
Toronto – low precision decimal
{{Coord2|43.6500|-79.3800}} Koordinater: Missing latitude
Ogiltiga argument har skickats till {{#coordinates:}}-funktionen
Toronto – medium precision decimal with trailing zeroes
{{Coord2|43.653500|N|79.384000|W}} Koordinater: Missing latitude
Ogiltiga argument har skickats till {{#coordinates:}}-funktionen
Toronto – high precision decimal with explicit hemisphere notation
{{Coord2|43|29|N|79|23|W}} Koordinater: Missing latitude
Ogiltiga argument har skickats till {{#coordinates:}}-funktionen
Toronto – degrees & minutes
{{Coord2|43|29|13|N|79|23|02|W}} Koordinater: Missing latitude
Ogiltiga argument har skickats till {{#coordinates:}}-funktionen
Toronto – degrees, minutes & seconds
{{Coord2|43|29|12.6|N|79|23|02.4|W}} Koordinater: Missing latitude
Ogiltiga argument har skickats till {{#coordinates:}}-funktionen
Toronto – degrees, minutes, seconds & fractions of seconds
{{Coord2|55.752222|N|37.615556|E}} Koordinater: Missing latitude
Ogiltiga argument har skickats till {{#coordinates:}}-funktionen
Moscow – N & E
{{Coord2|55.752222|N|37.615556|E|format=dms}} Koordinater: Missing latitude
Ogiltiga argument har skickats till {{#coordinates:}}-funktionen
Convert to dms format
{{Coord2|39.098095|-94.587307|format=dms}} Koordinater: Missing latitude
Ogiltiga argument har skickats till {{#coordinates:}}-funktionen
Decimal conversion without N/S/E/W
{{Coord2|55.752222|N|37.615556|E|format=dec|name=Moscow}} Koordinater: Missing latitude
Ogiltiga argument har skickats till {{#coordinates:}}-funktionen
Convert to decimal and label on some maps
{{Coord2|33|55|S|18|25|E}} Koordinater: Missing latitude
Ogiltiga argument har skickats till {{#coordinates:}}-funktionen
Cape Town – S & E
{{Coord2|35|00|N|105|00|E}} Koordinater: Missing latitude
Ogiltiga argument har skickats till {{#coordinates:}}-funktionen
People's Republic of China
{{Coord2|22|54|30|S|43|14|37|W}} Koordinater: Missing latitude
Ogiltiga argument har skickats till {{#coordinates:}}-funktionen
Rio – S & W
{{Coord2|22|S|43|W}} Koordinater: Missing latitude
Ogiltiga argument har skickats till {{#coordinates:}}-funktionen
A degree confluence.
{{Coord2|52|28|N|1|55|W|region:GB_type:city|notes=<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.fallingrain.com/world/UK/0/Birmingham.html|title=Birmingham}}</ref>|display=inline,title}} Koordinater: Missing latitude
Ogiltiga argument har skickats till {{#coordinates:}}-funktionen
Birmingham – with display, notes, and parameter settings; note that these coordinates are also displayed at the top of this page.
{{Coord2|51|25.813|N|0|43.945|E}} Koordinater: Missing latitude
Ogiltiga argument har skickats till {{#coordinates:}}-funktionen
Navigation buoy in the River Medway, England.
{{Coord2|51|36.287|N|8|32.018|W}} Koordinater: Missing latitude
Ogiltiga argument har skickats till {{#coordinates:}}-funktionen
Lighthouse at the Old Head of Kinsale as defined by the Commissioners of Irish Lights.


[redigera wikitext]

Coordinate parameters

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The first unnamed parameter following the longitude is an optional string of coordinate parameters, separated by underscores. These parameters help GeoHack select suitable map resources, and they will become more important when Wikimaps becomes fully functional.

en:Wikipedia:WikiProject Geographical coordinates/type:

en:Wikipedia:WikiProject Geographical coordinates/scale:


en:Wikipedia:WikiProject Geographical coordinates/region:

en:Wikipedia:WikiProject Geographical coordinates/globe:

en:Wikipedia:WikiProject Geographical coordinates/source:

Per-user display customization

[redigera wikitext]


Incorrect uses and maintenance categories

[redigera wikitext]

The template has some input checks built in. Most errors display a bold, red message inline and categorize the article in the hidden maintenance category Sidor med felaktiga coord2-taggar. There are currently 0 pages in that category. See the category description for further instructions.

A more thorough daily report of coordinates needing repair is at tools:~dispenser/view/File viewer#log:coord2-svwiki.log.

See also: WT:GEO#To do

This template is completely powered by the Lua module Mall:Tlm.

Class names

[redigera wikitext]

The class names geo, latitude and longitude are used to generate the microformat and MUST NOT be changed.

This template used to use a lot of sub templates but these have all been replaced by Mall:Tlm.

Template Data

[redigera wikitext]

This template uses overloading which does not work well with the VisualEditor/TemplateData. Consider using "Edit source" instead of the visual editor until this defect is corrected. To facilitate visual editing in the mean time, consider using {{coordDec}} for signed decimal degrees, {{coordDMS}} when degrees minutes and seconds are specified, and {{coordDM}} when just degrees and minutes are given.

Mall:TemplateData header

Encodes the latitude and longitude coordinates of a location, provides a link to map of the location. This template does not work well with the Visual Editor, consider using {{Coord2Dec}} for signed decimal degrees, {{Coord2DMS}} when degrees minutes and seconds are specified {{Coord2DM}} when only degrees and minutes are specified. To use this template you will need to use positional parameter following one of these schemes: {{Coord2 | D | M | S | NS | D | M | S | EW | geo | opts}}, {{Coord2 | D | M | NS | D | M | EW | geo | opts}}, {{Coord2 | D| NS | D| EW | geo | opts}} {{Coord2 | sD | sD | geo | opts}} where D is degrees, M is minutes, S seconds, sD signed decimal degrees, NS is N or S, EW is E or W, opts are named parameter and geo are the coordinate parameters described on the main doc page.

Mallparametrar[Redigera TemplateData]


Either degrees latitude or a signed decimal degrees latitude


Either: minutes latitude, signed decimal degrees longitude or 'N' or 'S'.


Either: second latitude, degrees longitude, 'N' or 'S' or GeoHack parameters


Either: degrees longitude, 'N', 'S', 'E' or 'W' or GeoHack parameters


Either: degrees longitude, minutes longitude or GeoHack parameters


Either: minutes longitude, 'E' or 'W' or GeoHack parameters


Either second longitude, or GeoHack parameters


'E' or 'W'.


GeoHack parameters. Example: dim:30_region:US-WI_type:event

Wikidata itemqid

Retrieve coordinates from a WikiData entry instead of from this template's parameters


Where it is displayed. Can be one of: 'inline' in the body of the article, 'title' at the top of the article or 'inline,title' both


a label to place on maps (default is PAGENAME)


text displayed immediately following the coordinates


How the coordinates are displayed, either 'dec' or 'dms'
