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Zef Kol Ndoka

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Zef Kol Ndoka
Gjakova, Osmanska riket
Medborgare iAlbanien
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Zef Kol Ndoka, även känd som Zefi i Vogël (svenska: Lille Zef), född 1883, död 1924, var en albansk kachak och militär från Shengjifamiljen i dagens Fan, Mirditë, norra Albanien. Ndoka är känd för att ha stridit mot både osmanska, montenegrinska och serbiska styrkor under 1912 fram till 1924. Ndoka dog i strid mot jugoslaviska styrkor.

Zef Kol Ndoka föddes 1883 nära Gjakova, dagens Kosovo, och växte upp under kampen för den albanska självständigheten mot Osmanska riket. Han fortsatte strida för Kosovos frihet mot serbiska och montenegrinska styrkor på 1920-talet. Ndoka stred med Isa Boletini, Bajram Curri, Hasan Prishtina och andra ledare. Tillsammans med albanska styrkor intog de Skopje år 1912. Zefi stupade i strid mot jugoslaviska styrkor år 1924.[1]


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En konspirationsteori säger att kachaken Azem Bejta sköt Ndoka i ryggen efter att han hade vanärat albanska kvinnor i Kosovo efter ett olämpligt tal. Azem Bejta, som var på besök hos en kachak i Shkoder tillsammans med Zef, svor att nästa gång de sågs så skulle de duellera.[2] En annan teori säger att hövdingarna i Gjakova såg Ndoka som ett hot och betalade Azem Bejta att eliminera honom.[3]

  1. ^ Shpuza, Gazmend (1999). Në prag të pavarësisë [On the eve of independence]. Eagle Press. p. 193. "Këtë thirrje e nënshkruajnë krerë të lëvizjes si Bajram Daklani, Zefi i Vogël, Pjetër Çeli, Halil Mehmeti, Idriz Jaha, Hasan Ballanca, Salih Hidi e të tjerë. [This call was prounouced by leaders of movement: Bajram Daklani, Zefi i Vogël, Pjetër Çeli, Halil Mehmeti, Idriz Jaha, Hasan Ballanca, Salih Hidi and others.]"
  2. ^ Skendi, Stavro (1954). "Albanian Political Thought and Revolutionary Activity, 1881-1912." Südost Forschungen. 13: 192: "On August 10, 1912, the Albanian leaders of the north, acting in the name of the four vilayets of Janina, Monastir, Shkodra, and Kosovo, were strong enough to present substantial demands. These were a special system of administration and justice, according to the requirements of the country; military service to be effected in Albania, except in time of war; nominitation of capable and honest government employees knowing the language and customs of the country; the creation of sultaniye-s (secondary schools), with Albanian as the language of instruction, in the capitals of the vilayets and the sandjaks of more than 30 000 souls; the creation of medrese-s (schools of Moslem religious instruction); the teaching of Albanian in schools of every grade; absolute liberty to establish private schools; the construction of roads; impeachment before the Supreme Court of Hakki Pasha and Said Pasha (fallen Premiers); a general amnesty and indemnity for damages suffered during the insurrection; restitution of arms). Four days later an estimated 20 000 Albanian insurgents under the leadership of Isa Boletini, Riza Gjakova, Bajram Curri, Nexhip Draga, Hasan Prishtina, Zefi i Vogël entered Usküb. They encountered no opposition and a detachment pushed on to Köprülü (Veles). As if to remind the Porte, a congress was held in Vlora in early September 1912, in which the southern Albanians made known their demands, which were similar to those of the Ghegs)."
  3. ^ Sheremet Krasniqi (på albanian), Kush e ngriti i pari flamurin shqiptar ne Shkup me 1912?, Radio Kosova e Lire, http://www.radiokosovaelire.com/?nav=70,2&id=2250, läst 5 januari 2016, ”Hasan H. Budakova, Zefi i Vogël, Bajram Daklani e Mehmet Shpendi, më 12 gusht 1912, në Sheshin e Vogël të Shkupit e kanë ngritur flamurin kombëtar.”